Thursday, December 26, 2019

Technology Art And Technology - 1041 Words

Art and Technology Is technology an art? the answer is, ‘yes! if any technology contains a skill, imagination, causes emotion, demonstrates the beauty, which is an art. On determining about the art, what comes to a mind? maybe, Picasso, Rodin, Dali.?. Okay, now consider about the Technology, and probably one will give up imagining smartphones or a computer. Art and Technology are combined form of skills and innovative ideas. Art can be defined as the expression of artists in the form of sculpture, paintings, dance, etc. to express their feelings to the viewers. It can be either emotional or creative to give peace to the mind. Uses of machinery and sophisticated equipment’s in the industrial fields by applying the scientific knowledge is†¦show more content†¦The ability of critical thinking gives the ability to learn more and more and gives the boost up energy to an artist to leave the comfort zone! Sometimes the Process of thinking out of the box, requires an artist to live in his own or self-made and imaginary world (and this process gives the birth to an amazing art. (with, an artist lives in an â€Å"Ivory Tower†.) Moreover, there is one more argument, says that art is the method of social critique, and we cannot deny that either! There are plenty of examples of an art where it has latterly roar (well, silently) against the society or its rules and those critical thinking brains have absolutely stunned the world by raising the â€Å"never asked questions before†. And if we check the history, world has been a witness of great revolutions in the past many times because of some critical thinking brain. Human brain tends to create an art out of almost everything. When we detect something new, or assume something new, we relate it to the art. When science discovers something new, artists operate it simultaneously. The basic concept behind the invention of the cell phone was making the long-distance communication easy. But now we all are aware of the value of camera in the cell phone. Consequently, there are plentiful, more examples where technology certainly made a difference between the traditional art and a modern art. 3d films give us an ability to be a part of the film. Ultrasound makes you feel so realistic. NowShow MoreRelatedTechnology And Its Impact On Art1388 Words   |  6 Pagestoday’s society, technology and art go hand in hand. Art has been around for a long time but technology such as computers are still very new. These two mediums have comingled and now evolve and effect the other. Art has changed to reflect the vast improvements technology has contribu ted to communication and the ability to create using digital space. Technology has also changed with artist pushing the boundaries of what is technical possible in the digital realm. 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